I’m trying to make a commitment to learning and applying functional programming
somewhere in my practice. So yesterday I decided that I would invest the time
to try and “do something” in Elm…which I’d looked at, but never used.
The goal I picked was to prototype an interface for editing an ordered set of
points in 2-D space. After many hours of poking and head-scratching, I managed
to get to a point where I had an SVG canvas you could click on to get numbered
dots connected with lines. Hopefully you can try it out below:
I thought I’d walk through my experiences, which may be illuminating for
(Note: While there are some gotchas I hit that could use improvement, I want
to say up front that Evan & co. deserve recognition for Elm’s efforts.
Particularly notable in learning phases is what Elm has in terms of clear and
actionable error messages. The errors are the best I think I’ve seen in
any language, and it really makes a difference!)
Grokking the First Mouse Sample I Found
Usually when messing with languages I don’t know much about, I start from an
example that acts close to what I want. Since I was envisioning a program
with mouse movement and clicking, I went with the only mouse example
involving coordinates–(as opposed to button clicks)–on the “Try Elm” site.
In the demo, you move a purple dot around. When you click it, the color
changes. On the surface, that seemed to have all the necessary events! I just
needed to be able to create some sort of “model” that gets updated each time
you click.
I noticed that the code was suspiciously short:
-- Draw a circle around the mouse. Change its color by pressing down.
-- Learn more about the playground here:
-- https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/evancz/elm-playground/latest/
import Playground exposing (..)
main =
game view update ()
view computer memory =
[ circle lightPurple 30
|> moveX computer.mouse.x
|> moveY computer.mouse.y
|> fade (if computer.mouse.down then 0.2 else 1)
update computer memory =
Where should I add my contribution, to declare a List
of points clicked?
How would I get the event notification of the actual moment that a click
occurred? 😕
The link in the comment didn’t provide any instantly gratifying help. It
spoke generally about how the playground lets you draw pictures and make
animations. Because I didn’t have the samples memorized, as far as I knew this
was just talking about the Svg
and Div
classes…and the URL was the
comment on all the files.
Turns out I’d incorrectly assumed that “Playground” referred to the general
set of interfaces that were shown in the simple demos on “Try Elm”. Such
try-online environments are often referred to as sandboxes or playgrounds, so I
did not realize that the Svg.circle
and Html.div
parts were the “real”
Elm…while things like Shape
were “not”. Playground instead referred to
a restrictive set of templates for making fairly contrived samples.
One of those templates is called game
. As a new reader of the language, you
can’t tell what’s being implicitly declared or what is predefined (compare
with also-lowercase computer
and memory
). Since it’s not qualified as
, it does not jump off the page that those four letters are
where you should start your focus.
It turned out that reading code and comments for the playground itself was
more informative than the web pages. The type signature for the 3-argument
function is:
game :
(Computer -> memory -> List Shape) -- arg #1: view function
-> (Computer -> memory -> memory) -- arg #2: update function
-> memory -- arg #3: initial memory state
-> Program () (Game memory) Msg -- return: signature main expects
What you’ll notice here is that the word memory
is in lowercase. That makes
it a “type variable”. So basically, whatever type we pass in as an
initial memory value to the game function determines the type of the program
state. That constraint will then be forced to match in the related view
Thus we appear to be passing in ()
for the memory to Playground.game
. It
means that this sample is only reflecting state out of the “computer”
abstraction–which the game
is managing as part of its wholesale takeover of
our I/O interface.
That means this update function:
update computer memory =
…is not just doing nothing at all…it can’t do anything. It might as well
be written as:
I’m sure this all might seem obvious to someone steeped in Elm. But that’s
presumably not who the samples are for! If you’re new, each of these findings
takes effort, so even short comments and definitions could go a long way.
For example:
initialMemory = () -- no memory in this sample
main =
Playground.game view update initialMemory -- delegate message processing
For The Sake of Argument: Using The Playground
The Playground is made to take over the whole viewport. If you look you will
see it only works in “Try Elm” because it uses a dreaded <iframe>
. :-/
By assuming it controls the whole view, it ducks questions that are going to
be relevant for basically 100% of usages.
Clearly the Playground was going to be in the way for any “serious” use (even
if it was just “pretend-serious”, like something you might share embedded
in your blog!). But just to show we can once we understand it, here is the
playground sample modified to accrue state:
import Playground exposing (..)
initialMemory : { points : List ( Float, Float ) } -- clicked coordinates
initialMemory = { points = [] } -- start list empty
main =
Playground.game view update initialMemory -- delegate message pump
view computer memory = -- evaluates to a List of Playground.Shape
[ circle lightPurple 30 -- first shape is circle following mouse cursor
|> moveX computer.mouse.x
|> moveY computer.mouse.y
, words black (Debug.toString memory.points) -- second is points list
update computer memory = -- take in old points list and return a new one
if computer.mouse.click then -- one update call with true, per click
{ points = memory.points ++ [( computer.mouse.x, computer.mouse.y )] }
memory -- leave coordinate list unchanged

The purple circle still follows the mouse, but now you should get a textual
listing of clicked points in the middle of the screen. The words
are after
the circle
in the shape list, so they’ll be drawn on top of the circle
instead of behind it.
Having this work depends on the update
function being called once-and-only
once with computer.mouse.click
as true for each mouse click. It seems this
is the case.
Getting at the “Real” Events
Instead of Playground.game
, I re-engineered main
to leverage a lower-level
template. Rather than using Browser.document
(which Playground builds on)
I decided to use Browser.element
, so that it could be embedded into an
existing page.
This entry point takes four parameters instead of three. You have the freedom
to provide an initialization function, instead of just a starting memory state.
You can also give a list of “subscriptions” to events. Then your update
parameterized with the specific triggering event.
So I looked at the list of subscriptions that Playground.game
asks for:
gameSubscriptions : Sub Msg
gameSubscriptions =
[ E.onResize Resized
, E.onKeyUp (D.map (KeyChanged False) (D.field "key" D.string))
, E.onKeyDown (D.map (KeyChanged True) (D.field "key" D.string))
, E.onAnimationFrame Tick
, E.onVisibilityChange VisibilityChanged
, E.onClick (D.succeed MouseClick)
, E.onMouseDown (D.succeed (MouseButton True))
, E.onMouseUp (D.succeed (MouseButton False))
, E.onMouseMove (D.map2 MouseMove (D.field "pageX" D.float) (D.field "pageY" D.float))
Seems like a reasonable list of capabilities. Browser.Events
is imported
as E
, so that explains the abbreviation. Then the D
is for Json.Decode
…uh, wait, what? Why is JSON decoding involved in something as foundational
as mouse events? It’s as if the base system is passing the buck on the
question of how to model JavaScript events in Elm.
Should an event be translated into something with individual X and Y fields for
coordinates (like the JavaScript object does)? Or should coordinates be
wrapped in records with X and Y fields? Or perhaps Tuples of Floats, or Tuples
of Ints? Every Elm program might choose its own path, making sharing of code
more difficult.
But there’s an efficiency angle to it. You’re registering a decoding function,
and it extracts only the parts you are interested in out of the message. That
saves time in parsing and space in the resulting values.
Either way, we don’t really want a “global” subscription like this for
handling mouse clicks. If we’re going to be putting our element on a page
with other things we generally only want clicks on our element. So instead of
using Browser.Events
we thus want to use Html.Events
(though they work with
decoders in a similar way).
Another nuance is that we want the relative offsetX
and offsetY
so our clicks will be ( 0, 0 ) in the upper-left hand corner.
The MouseMove extraction from the Playground above uses pageX
and pageY
If we didn’t do the right extractions during message decoding, it would be
really difficult to do DOM-relative adjustments after the fact. (Making DOM
calls is forbidden in purely functional code.)
Taking Off The Training Wheels
Subscriptions are an abstraction step away from callbacks. Things like
are subscription generators. On the JavaScript side there
are events happening that manifest as JS Objects–not Elm records. So you pass
the E.onXXX
generator a function that can decode JSON into Elm messages, and
it wraps that function to hand back as a Sub
. Then if such an event happens
the decoder is called to make an Elm Msg
to pass to update
The Playground’s translations are fairly lazy. Those D.succeed
make JSON decoders that actually ignore the JSON entirely…returning a fixed
value. So an onClick event is turned into the event MouseClick
extracting anything about coordinates, or modifier keys. Only MouseMove
processed into anything other than an indication of “the event happened”.
Here is the mouse click example expanded out, so it no longer uses the
Playground and has direct access to the messages. For brevity, it punts
on some viewport management issues (scaling/resizing), and the purple circle is
omitted. I also tried not to hide teachable details…by fully qualifying
where each definition is coming from.
You can copy-paste it into the “Try Elm” site, and it should work (at
least as of Elm 0.19).
module Main exposing (..) -- "Try Elm" doesn't need, but compiler does
import Browser -- contains templates for making Browser-based `main`
import Json.Decode as JsonD -- most JavaScript events come to Elm as JSON
import Html.Attributes as HtmlA -- used for `style:` attribute
import Html.Events as HtmlE -- subscribe to HTML element events via `on`
import Svg -- our `view` function makes list of SVG elements
import Svg.Attributes as SvgA -- all SVG property fields (x, y, color...)
type Msg -- type for Elm-digested forms of the Javascript events
= MouseClickMsg ( Float, Float )
| NoMsg -- add more events here
type alias Memory = { points: List ( Float, Float ) } -- clicked points
initialMemory : Memory
initialMemory = { points = [] } -- start list empty
main = -- drop `Browser.element` parameters to simplify view/update/etc.
init : () -> ( Memory, Cmd Msg ) -- flags must declare type for safety
init flags = ( initialMemory, Cmd.none )
Browser.element -- establish message pump
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = \msg memory -> ( update msg memory, Cmd.none )
, subscriptions = \memory -> Sub.none
decodeClick = -- use lambda to pack the two parsed fields into a Tuple
JsonD.map2 (\a b -> MouseClickMsg ( a, b ))
(JsonD.field "offsetX" JsonD.float)
(JsonD.field "offsetY" JsonD.float)
view memory = -- renders memory state into an HTML element
[ HtmlA.style "background" "lightGray"
, SvgA.width "400" -- could improve via BrowserE.onResize
, SvgA.height "400" -- (use of SvgA.viewBox complicates mouse points)
, HtmlE.on "click" decodeClick -- extracts offsetX/Y to make message
[ Svg.text_ -- note: `text_` not `text` for the SVG node proper
[ SvgA.fill "black"
, SvgA.x "200"
, SvgA.y "200"
, SvgA.textAnchor "middle"
, SvgA.dominantBaseline "central"
[ Svg.text (Debug.toString memory.points) -- `text` for node content
update msg memory = -- take in old points list and return a new one
case msg of
MouseClickMsg offsetPos ->
{ points = memory.points ++ [offsetPos] } -- new list w/new point
_ -> memory -- leave coordinate list unchanged

Since I didn’t involve viewport handling, I colored the SVG canvas gray so
it would be clear where the clickable area was.
Drawing Dots Instead of Printing Debug Text
It would be a little sad if this article stopped there, so let’s evolve the
code into the numbered circles and lines shown at the beginning.
We’ll start by factoring out our ugly debug rendering into its own function.
This way we know exactly what we’re replacing, and can see its type signature:
view memory = -- renders memory state into an HTML element
[ HtmlA.style "background" "lightGray"
, SvgA.width "400"
, SvgA.height "400"
, HtmlE.on "click" decodeClick
(renderDots memory.points)
renderDots : List ( Float, Float ) -> List (Svg.Svg msg)
renderDots points =
[ Svg.text_
[ SvgA.fill "black"
, SvgA.x "200"
, SvgA.y "200"
, SvgA.textAnchor "middle"
, SvgA.dominantBaseline "central"
[ Svg.text (Debug.toString points)
Breaking the function out shouldn’t change the behavior. It just shows we need
a new renderDots
that makes a list of circles at each coordinate, instead of
a list containing just one text blob. The elements in this list will be
(Svg.Svg msg)
(Note: When parentheses contain a comma they are a tuple and when they don’t
they are just being used for grouping. To help make this difference pop of
the page more, the Elm style guide suggests that Tuples be spaced out from
their delimiters. It’s not enforced, but seems to be good practice.)
Now let’s put our functional programming 101 knowledge to use, and make a list
of Svg.circle
from a coordiate pair list with List.map
renderDots : List ( Float, Float ) -> List (Svg.Svg msg)
renderDots points =
oneDot : ( Float, Float ) -> (Svg.Svg msg)
oneDot ( x, y ) =
[ SvgA.r "12" -- Note: `r`, not `radius`
, SvgA.cx (String.fromFloat x) -- Note: `cx` for center, not `x`!
, SvgA.cy (String.fromFloat y) -- Note: `cy` for center, not `y`!
, SvgA.fill "white"
, SvgA.stroke "black"
, SvgA.strokeWidth "2"
[] -- this circle node has no contents, just attributes
List.map oneDot points
And behold, dots when you click!

(Note: It’s somewhat unsettling that map
is not generic. If you’re
mapping over the elements in a List, you have to use List.map
. If it’s a
dictionary–e.g. Dict
–you have to use Dict.map
. More on this later.)
Numbering Our Dots
The order is implicit from the list, which means it’s not available as a
data member during List.map
. We’ll need a way of getting the running index.
If that is all we want, we are lucky, because there is a List.indexedMap
But if each dot makes both a circle AND a text element, our oneDot
will now
be producing multiple (Svg.Svg msg)
. So we’ll have to update the type
ignature to a list, and concat
the results for each dot to make a flattened
list of same-type elements.
renderDots : List ( Float, Float ) -> List (Svg.Svg msg)
renderDots points =
oneDot : Int -> ( Float, Float ) -> List (Svg.Svg msg) -- now a list
oneDot index ( x, y ) =
[ Svg.circle
[ SvgA.r "12"
, SvgA.cx (String.fromFloat x)
, SvgA.cy (String.fromFloat y)
, SvgA.fill "white"
, SvgA.stroke "black"
, SvgA.strokeWidth "2"
, Svg.text_ -- notice again the drawing element is `text_`
[ SvgA.x (String.fromFloat x)
, SvgA.y (String.fromFloat y)
, SvgA.fill "black"
, SvgA.textAnchor "middle"
, SvgA.dominantBaseline "central"
[ Svg.text (String.fromInt index) -- node content is a `text`
List.concat (List.indexedMap oneDot points)
And presto… numbers!

Connecting Dots With Lines
It was lucky to find List.indexedMap
that could keep some state between
individual calls to the oneDot
. But what if we couldn’t find the function
we needed? Drawing lines requires knowing adjacent elements. Is there a
general solution if you need something more?
Well…the truly general solution is “learn how to write functions in a
functional programming language!” So let’s think about drawing lines. If we
have N dots we want to draw (N - 1) lines. We can write a case
statement in Elm that looks like a solution from the early chapters of a
functional programming textbook:
renderLines points =
case points of
[] ->
[] -- no points, no line
[_] ->
[] -- one point, no lines
x::y::rest ->
(oneLine x y) :: (renderLines (y::rest)) -- recurse each pair
The main thing to note here is that ::
is Elm’s equivalent of :
in Haskell.
The item on the left is always a single element, which should match the type
of the elements in the list on the right.
All we need to do is add the definition of oneLine and it’s ready:
renderLines : List ( Float, Float ) -> List (Svg.Svg msg)
renderLines points =
oneLine : ( Float, Float ) -> ( Float, Float ) -> (Svg.Svg msg)
oneLine ( x1, y1 ) ( x2, y2 ) =
[ SvgA.x1 (String.fromFloat x1)
, SvgA.y1 (String.fromFloat y1)
, SvgA.x2 (String.fromFloat x2)
, SvgA.y2 (String.fromFloat y2)
, SvgA.stroke "black"
, SvgA.strokeWidth "2"
, SvgA.strokeDasharray "5 5"
case points of
[] ->
[] -- no points, no line
[_] ->
[] -- one point, no lines
x::y::rest ->
(oneLine x y) :: (renderLines (y::rest)) -- recurse each pair
All that’s left to do is prepend the lines to the dots in our view
(We put the lines first, so the dots draw on top of them.)
((renderLines memory.points) ++ (renderDots memory.points))
And there you have it. Clicks, dots, numbers, and lines!

An Alternative Way: Event Helper Modules
I wanted to get my case to work using base Elm, without installing any user
modules. This means you can build them without needing to elm install
files into your elm.json
. Also, all the code can run on the “Try Elm” site.
But there are modules from the community that take care of some of the
boilerplate work for you. When it comes to mouse events, there is a library
…which also covers Wheel, Drag ‘n’ Drop, Touch, and more
abstracted “Pointer” messages:
Earlier I mentioned that some fragmentation might happen with different
standards for choices in things like how coordinates were represented. To make
things smoother, I followed elm-pointer-events
choice for using tuples and
the name offsetPos
. I looked it up in their Decode.elm
file, where
you can see that they’re extracting several fields…whether you plan to use
them or not.
A similar helper called elm-keyboard-event
works out the details of key
presses. There’s a nice demo here of the module which shows the source on the
right, and event properties as you press them:
Once I got started with it, Elm did not feel hard to grasp. Strangely, the
“easy” examples on the “Try Elm” site were the part that threw me off the
most. Something about their presentation created a barrier to being able to
contextualize just what it was that I was looking at.
I can empathize with why the playground examples are included. They are
actually a fairly sophisticated demonstration of abstracting away application
structure. It’s in a style that would be difficult in many other languages.
But the purple dot example–with no user state and deliberately unused
parameters–really just added confusion for me. The lack of type signatures
and comments turned it into a cryptic puzzle to be solved about advanced
abstraction features, as opposed to an “easy” example for teaching! And
once the puzzle was solved, I found I had to throw it all out…which makes
me feel the Playground is a bad entry point.
I’ve gathered from reading that the language core may be weak in some key
areas. The only thing that caught my attention in writing the code for this
example was the lack of a generic map
operation. That seems like a big
deal, though it was not much of one here. So I’m not sure how many of the
complaints are academic vs. being significant in practice for the kinds of
problems Elm is solving.
Overall, the experience leaves me with a largely positive impression of the
project. It may not be “the” functional answer of the future, but it looks
like it’s empowered some projects to get closer and pushed the state of the
art…and raising the bar on error messages, like I mentioned. So finally
trying it out feels like time well spent!