AE1020: Lazy Notebook

Parsing Huge Simulated Streams In Attoparsec

A particular aspect that I’ve been interested in about Haskell is its rich parsing combinators:

“Parser Combinators: Parsing for Haskell Beginners”

Building a parser up out of composable functions that act as “parser plug-ins” is far superior to RegEx. You have the freedom to name things clearly, and to re-use facilities from the language that you already know (e.g. looping and subfunctions). And just because you’re using abstractions doesn’t mean the runtime will get slower…a “function reference” doesn’t get unconditionally turned into a “function call”.

One idea in particular captured my imagination: that having your parse rules expressed mathematically would allow efficient parsing of near-infinite length streams. e.g. the amount of input that needed to be held onto in memory at one time would be determined by whether you had used rules that required backtracking or not…and you’d get the right amount of memory use that your rules needed.

Researching seemed to suggest that neither Parsec nor Megaparsec would do incremental parsing. 😢 The go-to answer for those looking for incremental parsing was Attoparsec, which could use “IO Streams” as input. But it had a disclaimer regarding memory use:

Note: incremental input does not imply that attoparsec will release portions of its internal state for garbage collection as it proceeds. Its internal representation is equivalent to a single ByteString: if you feed incremental input to a parser, it will require memory proportional to the amount of input you supply. (This is necessary to support arbitrary backtracking.)

Despite that, I decided to pick my first “real” Haskell programming task as decoding an arbitrarily long stream of IP addresses with Attoparsec. I’d see for myself that a rule that just skipped values would not be able to release memory, and be in a position to explore why it couldn’t do better.

A Function for Faking A Stream

The first sample I found on “infinite” parse was for processing Redis logs. It used parseWith, and passed some initial data and a “fill” function that could add more–whenever the parser needed more data it would call the fill. Parsing was then performed as several individual calls into Attoparsec to get one value at a time…with the residual data (if any) returned to use in the next call.

Instead, I decided to try Attoparsec’s integration with System.IO.Streams. I wanted to write code that was stylized to work with files or a network, but without actually generating gigantic files or making a mock network server. So I was drawn to the promising capability of letting you simulate a stream by means of a function:

makeInputStream :: IO (Maybe a) -> IO (InputStream a)

Creates an InputStream from a value-producing action.

(makeInputStream m) calls the action m each time you request a value from
the InputStream.  The given action is extended with the default pushback
mechanism (see System.IO.Streams.Internal).

I could tell by the IO signatures that this was going to be a trial-by-fire. The function I’d be giving makeInputStream would have to be “evil”. It needed some kind of memory…otherwise it would have to always return data, or never return data.

The function didn’t take any parameters–and Haskell has no globals. So making it would have to be a two-step process: have one function that creates the state, and then fabricate a new parameterless function that knows to use that state. Here’s that written in JavaScript, but stylized so that it corresponds line-for-line to how I wrote it in Haskell:

// makeCharEmitter :: returns function that returns a character or null
function makeCharEmitter() {
  let ref = { n: 1 }
  return function () { emit(ref) }

// emit :: takes integer reference -> returns a character or null
function emit(ref) {
  let i = ref.n
  ref.n = ref.n + 1
  switch (i) {
    case 1: return 'A'
    case 2: return 'B'
    default: return null

> e = makeCharEmitter()
> e()
<- "A"
> e()
<- "B"
> e()
<- null

I did something “weird” by wrapping the integer in an object, but that was so it could be passed around and updated by reference. Haskell lets you make this kind of variable in the IO monad with IORef.

So now here’s the Haskell version. To my fellow noobs: Do NOT let the code scare you!! Be brave and compare to the JavaScript.

import Data.IORef

makeCharEmitter :: IO (IO (Maybe Char))  -- // makeCharEmitter :: ...
makeCharEmitter = do                -- function makeCharEmitter() {
    ref <- newIORef 1               -- ref = { n: 1 }
    return (emit ref)               -- return function () { emit(ref) }
    emit :: IORef Int -> IO (Maybe Char)  -- // emit :: ...
    emit ref =                      -- function emit(ref) {
        i <- readIORef ref          -- let i = ref.n
        modifyIORef ref (+ 1)       -- ref.n = refn + 1
        case i of
          1 -> return (Just 'A')    -- return 'A'
          2 -> return (Just 'B')    -- return 'B'
          _ -> return Nothing       -- return null

main :: IO ()
main = do
  e <- makeCharEmitter              -- e = makeCharEmitter()
  print =<< e                       -- console.log(e())  // 2-line version:
  print =<< e                       --                   //     c <- e
  print =<< e                       --                   //     print c

This outputs what I intended…mutable state for the win!

Just 'A'
Just 'B'

It took me the better part of an evening to figure out how to write that in Haskell (which was actually less time than I thought it would take). Having red wavy underlines showing you errors in VS Code as you type really makes a difference while learning. So if you haven’t got that configured, do yourself a favor and push through on getting it set up.

Type errors cue you to things like the difference between i <- readIORef ref and i = readIORef ref. Because = just establishes a synonym for things, while <- effectively “peels off” the IO Monad…so that functionally pure primitives like case can work with the contained values. And even if something is weird–like an IO (IO (...)) signature–the type checking leads you to code that may “just work”, even if you don’t understand why!

Parsing a Stream of IP Addresses

I found code to steal for parsing an IP address with Attoparsec at School of Haskell. But that just used a fixed string (processed with parseOnly). I wanted to use parseFromStream…which doesn’t have much in the way of examples on the Internet.

The only stream type that Attoparsec would appear to have predefined for supporting is a stream of ByteString. This surprised me, because “formally speaking” I’d think the correct type would be as a stream of individual bytes (e.g. Word8). But I guess that for efficiency, read operations are geared toward handing back chunks of data at a time.

Since I’d already arranged my streaming code to make one-character at a time, I used Data.ByteString.singleton to form a stream that spits out ByteStrings that are one byte long. It cycles through three fixed IP addresses, for however many times you ask when the emitting function is created (here just tests 5):

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}  -- so "" acts as ByteString

module Main where

import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8
import System.IO.Streams.Attoparsec.ByteString
import Data.Word
import Data.ByteString as B

import Data.IORef

import System.IO.Streams (Generator, InputStream, OutputStream)
import qualified System.IO.Streams as Streams

data IPState = IPState { ipIndex :: Int, charIndex :: Int }

ipString :: Int -> B.ByteString
ipString i =
  case i `mod` 3 of
    0 -> ""
    1 -> ""
    2 -> ""

updateState :: IPState -> IPState
updateState s =
    ipIndex' = ipIndex s
    charIndex' = charIndex s
    str = ipString ipIndex'
    len = B.length str
    if charIndex' == len then
      IPState { ipIndex = ipIndex' + 1, charIndex = 0 }
      s { charIndex = charIndex' + 1 }

charToWord8 :: Char -> Word8
charToWord8 = toEnum . fromEnum  --

makeBytesEmitter :: Int -> IO (IO (Maybe B.ByteString))
makeBytesEmitter numIpAddresses = do
    ref <- newIORef (IPState 0 0)
    return (emit numIpAddresses ref)
    emit :: Int -> IORef IPState -> IO (Maybe B.ByteString)
    emit numIpAddresses ref =
        state <- readIORef ref
          ipIndex' = ipIndex state
          charIndex' = charIndex state
          ipString' = ipString ipIndex'
          len = B.length ipString'
        if ipIndex' == numIpAddresses then
          return Nothing
        else do
          modifyIORef ref (updateState)
            byte = if charIndex' == len then
              charToWord8 '\n'
              B.index ipString' charIndex'
          return (Just (B.singleton byte))

data IP = IP Word8 Word8 Word8 Word8 deriving Show

parseIP :: Parser IP
parseIP = do
  d1 <- decimal
  char '.'
  d2 <- decimal
  char '.'
  d3 <- decimal
  char '.'
  d4 <- decimal
  char '\n'
  return $ IP d1 d2 d3 d4

main :: IO ()
main = do
  s <- Streams.makeInputStream =<< (makeBytesEmitter 5)
  print =<< parseFromStream parseIP s
  print =<< parseFromStream parseIP s
  print =<< parseFromStream parseIP s
  print =<< parseFromStream parseIP s
  print =<< parseFromStream parseIP s
  done <- Streams.atEOF s
  if done then
    print "All five IP addresses successfully consumed"
    print "Stream had residual input"

I didn’t spend time making the code particularly elegant (not that I could even if I wanted to, at this point). But it does what I was aiming for:

IP 192 168 1 0
IP 8 8 8 8
IP 255 255 255 0
IP 192 168 1 0
IP 8 8 8 8
"All five IP addresses successfully consumed"

Memory Usage When Taken To “Infinity”?

The hope I had with this exercise was that I could show that there wasn’t state accumulating somewhere. To test this, I switched to a looping structure for main:

main :: IO ()
main = do
  s <- Streams.makeInputStream =<< (makeBytesEmitter 10200304)
    looper = do
      print =<< parseFromStream parseIP s

Ten million is close enough to infinity for my purposes. :-) I ran this for a long while so that IP addresses flew by, and watched the numbers in top:

Streaming Memory Use

I was somewhat taken aback by the VIRT showing up as 1,024,200 gigabytes, e.g. a terabyte. But this has nothing to do with Attoparsec in particular. It turns out that as of GHC 8.0, all 64-bit Linux Haskell programs request that much virtual memory ahead of time at startup. (It’s apparently becoming a common practice these days…e.g. Go does it too).

However, the RES (resident) memory use stays completely flat at 5,428k. This demonstrates that the buffering abstraction layer used over the stream really is forgetting unnecessary data as it goes along.

Could a Composed Parser Know What to Forget?

Now I wanted to test if a single composed rule that did not need backtrack released memory. The Attoparsec documentation said it WOULD require memory proportional to the input, but I held onto hope that meant it COULD need that much…if the rules required it.

The most obvious combinator that wouldn’t need backtrack would be skipMany. So I decided to skip all the IP addresses and see if that made it to EOF:

main :: IO ()
main = do
  s <- Streams.makeInputStream =<< (makeBytesEmitter 10200304)
  print =<< parseFromStream (skipMany parseIP) s
  done <- Streams.atEOF s
  if done then
    print "10200304 IP addresses successfully consumed"
    print "Stream had residual input"

Bad news is, this just keeps raising the amount of memory used. As I watched top tick along, RES kept growing. Sometimes it grew in sudden jumps, it leapt from 199172 to 302550 in one moment. Ultimately it finished at around 314MB. Back-of-the-envelope calculations suggest the input is 115MB or so, which means there was a bit of bloat.

(What is likely is that the technique the IO Streams are using to present a buffer on top of the one-byte-at-a time emissions are creating some multiplier when interacting with Attoparsec. I presumed such a thing would happen, but it wasn’t that relevant as I was just wondering if the growth was infinite or not.)

Extra Credit: Changing System.IO.Streams to Conduit

I’d picked the System.IO.Streams because it was supported out of the box by Attoparsec. I figured that with a name like System it might be blessed and supported broadly…like things in the std:: namespace of C++ for <iostreams>. That’s apparently not what “System” means, as it’s actually an umbrella for “things that interact with the operating system”.

It seemed not many people discussed these streams. Instead there was talk about “Conduit”, “Pipes”, “Streaming” etc. There was an existing adapter to use Conduit with Attoparsec, so I decided to give that a shot–following the pattern of sourceHandle in Conduit…with the same messy methodology:

import Conduit (
  ConduitT, bracketP, liftIO, mapM_C, runConduitRes, (.|), yield
import Data.Conduit.Attoparsec (conduitParser)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource

{- ...VARIOUS CODE FROM BEFORE (parseIP, updateState, etc)... -}

sourceFake :: MonadResource m
           => Int
           -> ConduitT i B.ByteString m ()
sourceFake numIpAddresses = do
    ref <- liftIO $ newIORef (IPState 0 0)
    loop ref
    loop ref = do
      state <- liftIO $ readIORef ref
        ipIndex' = ipIndex state
        charIndex' = charIndex state
        ipString' = ipString ipIndex'
        len = B.length ipString'
      if (ipIndex' == numIpAddresses) then
        return ()
      else do
        liftIO (modifyIORef ref (updateState))
          byte = if charIndex' == len then
            charToWord8 '\n'
            B.index ipString' charIndex'
        yield (B.singleton byte)
        loop ref

main :: IO ()
main = do
     $ sourceFake 10200304
    .| conduitParser parseIP
    .| mapM_C (liftIO . print)

This ran in constant memory like when parseStream used the rule for one parseIP at a time. So when you make a “conduit” out of parseIP it will seemingly yield one value at a time when used with mapM_C.


Haskell’s parsing abilities are certainly good, but my investigation of this topic led me to two things that disappointed me somewhat:

I know too little about Monads to reason out whether what I want is possible. Can a parser that is framed monadically “see into” the composition to know what the earliest point of backtracking could be? It may be that there’s no way to do it without describing the parse with some custom declarative structure, which might make one ask what writing it in Haskell actually buys.

(UPDATE: I started a thread on the Haskell Discourse on this topic.)

Despite having my hopes dashed a bit on what how “magical” incrementality would be, this exploration went pretty well. I multiplied my Haskell knowledge quite a bit…pushing me along on my be less ignorant in 2020 initiative. :-) Hopefully I’ll get to the point of being able to say smart Haskell things soon.

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