AE1020: Lazy Notebook

Is True Greater Than False? (an empirical study)

Haskell is known for being very strict in its type system. So I was a bit surprised when I saw the following:

Prelude> True > False

Was this a mistake? Or was someone trying to sneak in evangelism of the metaphysical stance that truths are superior to falsehoods?

If an answer on Stack Overflow is to be believed, it isn’t a design choice made on whim–or desire for appeasing C programmers. Rather, this arises from a mathematical consensus regarding bounded lattices, or “…more specifically, a complemented distributive lattice.”

Hmmm. 🤔 Be that as it may, my perception is that there are two separate questions:

The Lattice Argument Speaks to the Second Question

There is a framework in math for relating operations to each other based on their properties. People point out that AND in boolean logic acts very much like multiplication when you consider True to be 1 and False to be 0:

False and False = False    0 * 0 = 0
 True and False = False    1 * 0 = 0
False and True  = False    0 * 1 = 0
 True and True  = True     1 * 1 = 1

False’s “lessening attitude” leads it to have a filtering effect which reduces sets of values. If you inventory enough of these characteristics, it might drive you to think something like “if false was a number, it would be 0”.

But Haskell isn’t saying that False “is” 0:

Prelude> False == 0
    • No instance for (Num Bool) arising from the literal ‘0’

And it’s also not letting you use multiplication on Bools:

Prelude> True * False
    • No instance for (Num Bool) arising from a use of ‘*’

It doesn’t do those things…despite that there would probably be a sound rationale from math-based-conventions for what they should do if they were legal. So what’s different about orderedness?

One of the most convincing arguments for this came from another Stack Overflow answer:

“…sometimes we want Ord because there’s a logically meaningful ordering for things, and sometimes we just want some arbitrary order, typically so we can use something as a key for Data.Map or similar. Arguably there ought to be two separate classes for that…but there isn’t.)”

Having built-in types be a member of Ord offers leverage of this kind. It’s a level of benefit that would not be realized by letting you multiply booleans. And it means merely adding a boolean to your type won’t inhibit you from deriving to inherit various behaviors.

But to put some more perspective on the issue, I thought it would be useful to look around and see how boolean comparison was handled in other languages. It’s a simple task to run…and behaviors you get provide some insight into each language’s design heritage.

C89 has no boolean type, so people would often define things like:

#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0

This means comparisons like TRUE > FALSE were actually just testing 1 > 0. Though in practice, all non-zero values are “conditionally false”. (The C standard does unambiguously say the result of the comparison operators are guaranteed to be forced to 1 or 0)

C++ and C99 have a boolean type, but due to how “integer promotion” works, the definitions come back to comparing integers again.

(Note: despite the stronger typing, true == 1 or false == 0 do not generate warnings or errors. But comparing boolfunc() == 2 will at least give “comparison to constant is always false” errors…though no warning is generated for boolfunc() == intfunc().)

Much like C, JavaScript’s behavior on true and false comparison comes from numeric conversions, where true == 1 and false == 0.

There is a “strict equality” operator === that subverts conversion. But greater than and less than do not have strict forms.

Java: true > false => Error

Java actually has two boolean types: a primitive value, and a wrapper class. The primitive is just boolean, and the comparison fails:

if (true > false) { System.out.println("Greater"); }
    error: bad operand types for binary operator '>'
    first type:  boolean
    second type: boolean

The wrapper class is java.lang.Boolean, which can’t work because there is no operator overloading in Java. So classes cannot define > behaviors:

if (Boolean.TRUE > Boolean.FALSE) { System.out.println("Greater"); }
                 ^ error: bad operand types for binary operator '>'
    first type:  Boolean
    second type: Boolean

But to work around the lack of operator overloading, there is a compare method for the class

if (1 ==, false)) { System.out.println("Greater"); }
Greater  // <-- output

The comparison returns positive if the first argument is greater, negative if it is lesser, and zero if they are equal.

Clojure: (> true false) => Error

Clojure runs on top of Java, so it’s not surprising that it would have similar behavior. But the error is different, seemingly a result of wanting to go through a numeric cast that is not allowed:

user=> (> true false)
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException:
    java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to java.lang.Number

The Clojure guide to comparators mentions the availability of compare, which appears to build on top of Java’s abilities. Falling through to Java’s compareTo() is pointed out as why Booleans can be compared this way:

user=> (compare true false)

user=> (compare false true)

Rust’s Haskell-inspired implementation of the Ord “trait” on booleans allows true > false.

It’s also willing to convert true to 1 and false to 0, but not implicitly:

error[E0308]: mismatched types
  |     if true == 1 { println!("Equal"); }
  |                ^ expected `bool`, found integer

Python 2 and 3 both consider True > False, with True == 1 and False == 0. This turns out to be because Python’s boolean inherits from integer.

(Unfortunately, Python’s lack of type enforcement means that this is really just an implementation detail. Unless checked explicitly by the user, there is no type signature on functions to enable them to accept only booleans and not integers.)

Go: true > false => Error

The Go language spec is known for being relatively short. It makes it clear in the section on comparison operators that there are only three ordered types: integers, floating point numbers, and strings.

if (true > false) { fmt.Println("Greater") }
   -- invalid operation: true > false
   -- (operator > not defined on bool)

It also won’t implicitly make true equal to 1 (or false equal to 0):

if (true == 1) { fmt.Println("Equal") }
    -- invalid operation: true == 1
    -- (mismatched types untyped bool and untyped int)

OCaml has a val compare : bool -> bool -> int definition. There it says “compare b0 b1 is a total order on boolean values. false is smaller than true.”

# true > false ;;
- : bool = true

Comparisons of booleans and integers give an error:

# true == 1 ;;
This expression has type int but an expression was expected of type bool

(Note: ;; is not part of the expression, it just tells the REPL you’re done with input.)

Ruby: true > false => Error

Ruby’s comparison abilities come from methods, and Boolean lacks a definition for the comparison:

true > false
    >: undefined method `>' for true:Boolean

(An interesting quirk about Ruby’s methodization of the operator is that they use <=> for method that returns -1, 0, or 1…and call it the “spaceship operator”.)

While Ruby hasn’t defined an ordering, it seems that equality tests are legal against integers or other values…they just fail:

true == 1
=> false

true == "ae1020"
=> false

false == 0
=> false

Julia: true > false

Julia allows you to compare booleans against each other, and against integers, with true == 1 and false == 0:

julia> true > false

julia> true == 1

The Julia documentation mentions “chaining comparisons”. It claims that this can “often be quite useful in numerical code”.

julia> 1 < 2 <= 2 < 3 == 3 > 2 >= 1 == 1 < 3 != 5

Note that this also permits 1 > 2 < 3. It also points out the worrying property that the order of operations is undefined. :-(

In Conclusion: False Is Less Than True!

If anything, the research I did shows that comparing booleans to each other on accident must not come up that often in practice. There’s scant discussion on how booleans should compare outside of the Haskellsphere…and few threads on the error messages. (Searching the web for "golang operator > not defined on bool" had no hits).

I think that the real thing to be concerned about is implicit integer conversion. The example from the Julia chained comparisons looks like something best avoiding in a modern language, vs. embracing it as a feature. Their mileage may vary.

Yet when you realize Haskell is not conflating the bad properties of some “hidden integer mechanic” into the type by being ordered, it’s less scary. I’m now basically satisfied that true > false.

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